CUDDAPAH Black Limestone


The limestones from Cuddapah are the most popular among the limestones from South India. These are available in a wide range of colours such as pale green, pink, grey, yellow, blue and black. Some places in Andhra Pradesh are very rich in limestone. The South Indian variety can also be honed, polished, brushed and tumbled but is generally not as tough as the Kota stone. Cuddapah Black limestone is basically; one of the most popular black limestones from India that is available in black colour. It is generally used for interiors as well as exteriors. The main attraction of this black limestone is that these are used in extreme temperatures. This Cuddapah black limestone is quarried at Betamcharla, District Cuddapah, (Andhra Pradesh)

CUDDAPAH Black Limestone can be hand cut into thick slabs and cobbles. Although; it is not possible with other kinds of Cuddapah Limestones, so at the time of specifying these for a project it is better to clarify the finishing that is required. Of all these limestones, black is perhaps the most versatile and it is therefore the perfect material for indoor and outdoor applications. This natural limestone is frequently used where there is not much movement of people, and the bright appearance of the polished variety is not required.

Tandoor Yellow


Tandoor Yellow Limestone Is environmental friendly natural stone and you are surely going to get it at a reasonable low price as you do a detailed search. India has to the credit of producing one of the most authenticated tandoor yellow lime stones and It is immensely brused. It can easily be cut to the desired shape and size according to the needs of the customers. It is available in the form of slabs as well as tiles. As you install, you ensure ever lasting glow since it is resistant to all sorts of inclement weather.

Tandoor Blue


Tandoor Limestone Is environmental friendly natural stone and you are surely going to get it at a reasonable price as you do a detailed search. India has to the credit of producing one of the most authenticated tandoor blue lime stones and It is immensely brused. It can easily be cut to the desired shape and size according to the needs of the customers. It is available in the form of slabs as well as tiles. As you install, you ensure ever lasting glow since it is resistant to all sorts of inclement weather.

Lime pink


Pink Limestone Is derived from sedimentary rocks of limestone. It is resistant to weather attack, both marbles & limestone are siliceous calcium carbonate rocks. Limestone is sensible to acid attacks. Marbles & limestone easily dissolve in acid, so it is recommended not to apply acids on Calcareous stones such as Marble & limestone. Limestone is environmental friendly natural stone and you are surely going to get it at a reasonable price as you do a detailed search. India has to the credit of producing one of the most authenticated pink lime stones and It is immensely brused.

Lime Green


Green Lime stone If you have been waiting for a long time to make a pleasant difference to your home or office, then do not wait any further. Since, we tend to feel more relaxed and happy at charismatic and attractive surroundings by natural stones. Hence, you will be able to live life to the fullest amidst the beautiful surroundings which speaks volumes about the efforts and sensible decisions which goes towards ensuring that you will have a blast for ever. Hence, you live life to the fullest amidst the highly sophisticated luxury and beauty which can only be derived from Green Limestone.